National Alliance on Mental Illness of Illinois (NAMI Illinois)

The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Illinois is affiliated with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and has 23 local affiliates throughout Illinois.  Their members include individuals living with mental illness, family members, friends, and professionals.  Its purpose is to help improve the lives of people affected by mental illness through education, support, and advocacy.  NAMI Illinois has a variety of education and support programs directed to individuals living with mental illness, family members, friends, professionals, other stake holders, and the community at large to address the mental health needs of Illinois.  They work to inform the public about mental illness by distributing information about mental illness through every means of communication.

HelpLine: (217) 522-1403  |  Address: 218 West Lawrence, Springfield, IL 62704  |  namiillinois.org

Equip for Equality

Equip for Equality works to advance the human and civil rights of people with disabilities.  They offer legal advice and traiing for parents and individuals to self-advocate for their rights.  There are four different sites in Illinois - Main office in Chicago, but also Springfield, Moline, and Carbondale.

Main Phone: (312) 341-0022  |  Main Office Address: 20 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 300, Chicago, IL 60602  |  equipforequality.org

Statewide Resources

Please contact the Illinois Respite Coalition at 866.ILL.RESP or 86.455.7377 for more information about resources in your area.

The Arc of Illinois

The Arc of Illinois is committed to empowering persons with disabilities to achieve full participation in community life through informed choices.  They host events for families, self advocates, and professionals to education on the latest and best practices and works to provide resources.

Phone: (815) 464-1832  |  Address: 20901 LaGrange Road, Suite #209, Frankfort, IL 60423  |  thearcofil.org

Alzheimer's Association, Greater Illinois Chapter

The Alzheimer's Association, Greater Illinois Chapter serves 68 counties in Illinois with offices in Bloomington, Carbondale, Chicago, Joliet, Rockford, and Springfield.  The chapter provides reliable information and care consultation, support services for families, increased funding for dementia research, and influence on public policy changes.  They host various awareness, educational, and caregiver events across the state.  The Alzheimer's Association also offers a 24-hour helpline at (800) 272-3900.

Phone: (847) 933-2413 |  Address: 8430 West Bryn Mawr, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60631  |  Website


Located Statewide



866-455-7377 ext. 101

866-455-7377 ext. 103 for Spanish-speakers

Brain Injury Association of Illinois

The Brain Injury Association of Illinois is a statewide membership organization comprised of people with brain injuries, family members, friends, and professionals.  BIA of IL is part of a network of brain injury associations across the country and is an affiliate of the National Brain Injury Association.  They work to assist in developing communication channels between families and professionals in a way that improves relationships and cooperation, enhances teamwork, and helps decrease potential issues that may arise.  They are dedicated to providing information, resources, advocacy, and support to people with brain injuries and their families.  They provide educational programs and an annual conference, host therapeutic recreational camps for children and adults with brain injury, offer statewide support groups, and participate in legislative advocacy.

Phone: (312) 726-5699  |  Address: P.O. Box 64420, Chicago, IL 60664-0420  |  Email: info@bial.org  |  biail.org

Illinois Respite Coalition Respite Guide

The IRC created a PDF respite guide overview that includes resources that families, caregivers and individuals of all ages and abilities can use in order to locate additional resources that are available to them. Click here in order to access the PDF and begin to find resources that meet your needs. If you have specific questions or would like to talk more in-depth with someone, feel free to call the Illinois Respite Coalition in order to receive additional information and referral services.

Phone: (866) 455-7377 ext 101 or ext 103 for Spanish-speakers  |  Serving Statewide |  Email: ilrespitecoalition@gmail.com